Research is critical to Development! Research is relevant for planning and making business decisions. The world is now described as a global village, it is flat. It is now a level playing field and ideas are no longer resident is one location. Essentially it is competitive and as such businesses, individuals or organizations that are not willing to tap these innovative strides may as well be ready to be out of relevance sooner than later.
What is the implication of all these? Research and continuous research, organizations must embrace research. Unlike in the past, customers or recipient of services are now more than willing to engage and be engaged. They are willing to share information, their satisfaction or otherwise about services received and or products purchase or consumed. They are willing to be treated as ‘kings’, they want value in return for their patronage and loyalty. Businesses must embrace this and explore ways to maximize the link between market needs and business designs.
Choosing the Qualified Research Partner
tested knowledge of research and research methodology – this is reflected in the types of projects they have implemented in the past and the outputs as well as the satisfaction of the clients. It also reflects in the way they respond to and defend written and verbal proposals.
Businesses must make conscious effort to involve research firms in their business decisions. Businesses and organizations need to accept that research agencies are critical stakeholders for implementing projects for decision making. Their primary aim of being in existence is to assist business owners and organizations to make good decisions, either for business or other intervention needs. Now haven said that, certain attributes make for a qualified research partner. This is not an exhaustive list, but certainly would be of relevance:
- The research agency must have tested knowledge of research and research methodology – this is reflected in the types of projects they have implemented in the past and the outputs as well as the satisfaction of the clients. It also reflects in the way they respond to and defend written and verbal proposals.
- Years of experience and team formation also matters. The qualified research partner would be comprised of individuals with interdisciplinary background and years of project implementation under their belts. Essentially, their combined experience would be a force that is worth huge sum of indemnity, not necessary in monetary term, but can guarantee quality outputs.
- Testimonial – a good research partner must have received pass marks from past and present clients. It is advisable for a prospecting client to seek information on the capability of the research agency before engaging them.
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